WFSICCM Survey anket çalışması için tıklayınız
Sayın Üyelerimiz,
Dünya Yoğun ve Kritik Bakım Dernekleri Federasyonu'nun (WFSICCM) hazırlamış olduğu uluslararası bir anket çalışmasının davet bilgisi aşağıdadır. İsteyen üyelerimizin veri girişi için bir link bulunmaktadır. Bilgilerinize sunarız.
This is a gentle reminder to PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY TO CONTRIBUTE to the international survey by submitting your data using the following link:
Survey Link: WFSICCM Survey
The World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSICCM) has launched this initiative to solicit exemplars from national scientific societies on the types of patient and family centered care/engagement practices being implemented worldwide. While a growing number of studies are addressing patient centered care and strategies to engage family members, the degree to which specific types of patient and family centered care practices are being implemented worldwide is not known.
The survey "Patient and Family Centered Care in the ICU: Worldwide Exemplars" is intended to obtain information on a global scale and so PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY